Scroll down to see recent images taken by Library staff and posted on Facebook. Hover over each to read the caption.
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The Library’s main area was emptied first to make way for the initial phase of renovation.
The most popular materials have been relocated to the large meeting rooms for browsing during regular business hours.
Items that didn’t fit in the meeting rooms have been squeezed into the youth area and temporarily walled off for access by staff during renovation.
The lobby is currently serving as the area for public computers, check-out, and access to printers and newspapers.
Behind the construction fence, workers are busy closing in the new teen room.
Watching construction progress through the lobby windows is free entertainment!
Construction workers have the detailed plans laid out to keep everything on track.
A lift and scaffolding are being used to paint and install new lighting. They’ll also be used in this area to erect the new stainless steel “story tree” art sculpture.
Work is underway on the new teen room, located in the area of the former south patio. This new room will provide a much-needed teen tech and social space.
The former northwest conference room is being renovated to house a cozy adult den space for quiet reading and relaxation.
Sun streams through the stained glass windows on the west side of the building during renovation. Once complete, this area will provide a comfortable seating area to overlook the gardens.
Workers use the lift to repaint the high ceilings to brighten the space.
Progress continues on the new teen room, preparing for drywall to be installed.
Staff made a check-in on the progress of the story tree in the artist’s studio. The bottom of the trunk will be mounted directly into footings in the Library floor to provide stability for the approx. 25 ft. sculpture.
The new self-check station is waiting to be installed near the main entry doors once new ceiling lights are installed.
Electrical work is underway and drywall has been installed in the new teen room.
The construction crew is hard at work remodeling the existing study rooms and adding another study room sized for small groups.
The garage door has been installed to help close off the teen room during busy (and noisy) times.
With delays in delivery of some of the new lighting, architects and the construction team must work out a new timeline for the Library’s remaining renovation work.
New tile has been installed in the public restrooms.
While renovation is underway, book returns can be made at the front of the Library. Sharp eyes may have also noticed that the new drive-up window has been installed, with a large sliding window and wide drawer for easier access.
Painting is underway in the new teen room. Benches and tables will be installed along the west “sawtooth” wall to provide plenty of seating.
The rare books display cabinet has been installed near the check-out desk.
Construction workers examine some of the areas on the building’s exterior that need repairs and fresh paint.
Final touches are being made on the new restrooms to prepare them to reopen to the public.
The section of the check-out desk for book returns is waiting to be installed. Delays in shipments of the new ceiling lights are pushing back work on constructing the new service desks.
Deliveries of components of the new service desks and new seating areas arrive on a regular basis.
The exterior of the teen room’s west “sawtooth” wall has tall, narrow windows with shades to allow plenty of light, but also the opportunity to close off the windows when needed for better visibility of gaming and computer screens.
Staff examine the new dual-sized fireplace that’s been installed in the fireside adult den space.
Mulch is in place in the new gardens surrounding the teen room. Staff are working now to make plans for new landscaping.
New padded seating is arriving and stored in preparation for work on the Children’s Amphitheater, Baby Play Zone, and Teen Room.
New perimeter lights are being installed surrounding the main Library atrium area to dramatically brighten the beautiful open space.
New “halo” signs are getting ready to be hung above the new service desks.
The tiered seating of the Children’s Amphitheater takes shape under the branches of the Story Tree.
The “Carnegie tables” which were part of the original Library opened in 1905 have been refinished and await placement in the renewed building.
New end panels are installed as a last step in renewing all the bookshelves.