Our sincere thanks to these individuals and organizations who have pledged or given their generous support to the Waverly Public Library’s Make Room for Renewal campaign.
Wayne and Nancy Anderson
City of Waverly
Enhance Iowa – Iowa Economic Development Authority
Lags Trust, In memory of Virginia Lageschulte
Rada Manufacturing
Waverly Public Library Foundation
Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust
Lois M. Coonradt, In memory of Dale L. Coonradt
Sylvia A. Grekoff
Max & Helen Guernsey Charitable Foundation
Stephen and Elaine Main
R. J. McElroy Trust
Mark and Linda Podhajsky, In honor of Matt and Tricia
Dr. Ann Rathe, In honor of James and Evelyn Rathe, Herbert and Dorothy Rathe
The Bagelmann Family
Black Hawk County Gaming Association
Bremer County
Eisenach Village Residents
Fidelity Bank
First Maxfield Mutual Insurance
Marilyn Johnson
Erin and Phil Jones, Grayson, Emma, Madelyn, and Henry
Jane and Brad Knudson
Reid and Marsha Koenig
Deanna and Rick McCue
Mark F. and Ann Henninger Trax
Tyrrell #116 Masonic Lodge
Michael and Evelyn Aubrey
Beth Bachman
Eric Bagelmann
Diana Blake
Beverly and Gary Boveia
Bremer County Community Foundation
Bob and Jean Buckingham
Vern and Jean Byl
Terry and Sandra Dahlquist
Kim Folkers and Bruce Ecker, In honor of our moms, Elly and Bobbi, and their love of books and libraries
First Bank
Marvin and Kathy Folkerts
C. William Formwalt
Bill Hemmes, Honoring Laura Hemmes, Secretary of the Friends of the Waverly Public Library for many years
Jim and Carla Janssen
Drs. F.V. and G.H. Jabbari
Lindley and Joanne Jones
Andrew and Kristin Kahler, Denver Insurance Agency
Robert and Wendy Lamos, In honor of our grandchildren: Madelynn Lamos, Aiden Lamos, Lillyann Lamos
Bard and Nadine Mackey
MidAmerican Energy Foundation
George and Colleen Miller
Fran and Howard Mueller
Gary and Cindy Nelson
James, Megan, Ben, and Hazel Perry
Dennis and Diane Peterka Family, In memory of Diane E. Peterka
Rotary Club of Waverly
Marietta Schemmel
Patricia L. Shaw
Tom and Sue Taiber
Veridian Credit Union
Ted and Debbie Waitman
Waverly Exchange Club
Anonymous (4)
Anonymous, In memory of Eileen Corcoran
Anonymous, In memory of Luke Frerking
Garrett and DeAnn Akins
Ann Arjes, In memory of Richard Arjes
Jeff and Kelly Beck, In honor of Giny Beck and Lori Hill
Donna Becker
David Belarde, In honor of Belardes
Larry and Deanne Biddison
Brian and Mariah Birgen
Melinda Brandt
Julie and Josef Breutzmann
Edna Brunkhorst
Carol Bruxvoort, In memory of Tim Bruxvoort
Gloria and Carl Campbell
Lyman and Cyndi Campbell
Gerry and Patsy Carney
Dick Crayne
The Crouse Family
Jack and Barb Dahlby
Carl Dillon
David and Phoebe Drape
Scott Durscher
Daniel and Carolyn Eggers
Adam Folkerts
David and Laura Frerking, In memory of Luke Frerking
Bill and Lynne Fruehling
Janet and Gary Grace, In memory of Loretta Grace
Brian and Denise Graettinger
Mark and Barb Hanawalt
Jane and Bob Harrison
The Hayes Family – Jeremy, Jonna, Connor, and Norah
Lee and Pam Hinrichs
Gail and David Huser
Brent and Sarah Jones
Jon and Patty Kaiser
Kiwanis Club of Greater Waverly
Fern Kruger
Claudia Lampe
Mark and Karen Lehmann
Kyle and Sara Lockie
The Losey Family – Adam, Colleen, Eleanor & Claire
Ronald Matthias
Tom and Cynthia McGrane, In honor of Eleanor, Mollie, and Emma McGrane
June Mehlhaus
Sarah C.C. Meyer
Meyer Pharmacy
Chris and Sarah Miller
V. Richard and Linda Moeller
Mark and Jeri Mueller, In memory of Helen Isch
David and Peggy Rathe
Fred and Trish Ribich, In memory of Mark Ribich
SAAK Productions LC
Wayne and Marietta Sargeant
Andy and Lindsay Schaapveld Family
Kathy and Jason Schaufenbuel
Karol and Kenneth Simmer
Jonathan and Ashley Smiley, Smiley Family Dentistry
Gabe and Mariah Stauffer
David Stokesbary
Christine Trampel
Susan Van Hemert, In honor of WPL staff, who are family to me
Edith and Fred Waldstein
Brian and Laurie Walker
Dr. Augie and Barb Waltmann, In honor of Cheryl and Denise
Judy Weiford
Duaine and Charlotte Westpfahl
Joyce Williams, In honor of my family
Darold M. Wolff, In honor of Diane Wolff
John and Liz Wuertz
Nancy Zimmerman
Anonymous (18)
Anonymous, In memory of Robert E. Lee
Barb and Jim Anderson
Ronda Anderson, In honor of Phil, Erin, Grayson, Emma, Madelyn and Henry Jones
Peter Armstrong
Dave and Ann Arns
Virgil Arns
Maxine Barber
Mike and Deb Berstler
Lonnie, Barry, Bobby, David, Lisa, Lynn, and Family, In memory of Norman Bibler
Roger Bjorgan
Karen Blume-Shaffer, In memory of Irene Blume
Steph and Jay Boeding
Mark Bohner
Benjamin and Samantha Bousquet
Stephen and Susan Brackett
Karen Brandt
Jeanne Brase
Audrey Brickner
Pat L. Brown
Beth and Bob Busch
Kathleen Butschi
David Calease
Donald and Nancy Carlson
Cedar River Readers
Al and Phyl Charlson
Craig and Jean Clausing
Patricia Coffie
The Corcoran Children
Steve and Jo Corson, In honor of James and Edna Corson, Paul and Elaine Kosbau
Ellen Crayne
Dale Howard Auto Center of Waverly
Steve and Jan Davis
Judith DeBower
Rebecca Demuth
William DePuew
Randall and Bonnie Deur
James and Christine DeVries
Matthew Dittmer and Kristin Wendland
Mary Dorpinghaus
Nancy Duneman, In memory of Gary Duneman
Lindsay and Deborah Eckerman
John and Nancy Egts
Eisenach Book Club: Ron Flory, Darlene Peatrowsky, Karen Komala, Velda Hagenow, Susan Spooner, Shirley Peterson, Lou Wolfekuhle, Lin Ferguson, Marianna Waldstein, Sharon Moeller, Roger Bjorgan, Sondra Seward, Leslie Matthias, Fern Kruger, Paula Johnson, Karen Arns, Phyllis Fuller, Jon Tehven, Mary M. French
Mary Sue Ellinger, In memory of Diane Peterka
Ethan and Megan Epley
Rich and Laurie Everhardt
Glenn and Gail Fenneman
Jim and Veronica Fink
Toni Fisher, Wild Carrot, In honor of my grandsons, Declan and Wells Fisher
Elly Folkers
Todd and Sandy Fonkert
The Fox Family
Karen Frazier
Bill and Diane Freestate, In memory of Merle V. Graeser
Mary M. French, In memory of Nelson and Donald Miles, lifetime readers that passed that love of reading on to me – their daughter and granddaughter
Spencer and Stacey Gann
Rev. Darrel and Jeanette Gerrietts
Ken and Beth Giesmann
Girl Scout Troop 1252
Kim Gisburne and Jeff Wheeler
Rowan and Mara Gott
Peggy Hamilton
Elizabeth Hartman
Brian Harvey
Dennis and Marcia Haugen
JoAn Headington
Jan Heinemann
Nathan and Sara Heitz
Ross Helgevold
Carol Herman
Donald Heyer
Larry and Linda Hildreth
Linda and Greg Hovden
Willis and Jane Huck
Betty Huisman
Mary Anna Hunstiger
Lisa and Rashad Hunt
Gail and David Huser
Helen Imbrock, In memory of Pastor Arnold Imbrock
Rachel Imbrock, In honor of My Mom: Helen Imbrock
Dr. Troy and Grace Ivey
Paul and Sue Jacobson
Jonathan and Jennifer Jaschen
Patricia Jebe
Dick and Cheryl Jensen
Russell and Abigail Jerome
Scott and Megan Kaisand, In memory of Anna Kaisand
Dave and Alisha Kapparos
Donna Kirschenmann
Bill and Karen Komala
Ron and Marcia Kozak
Robert Kurtt
Faithe Lageschulte
Roger and Ruth Lampe
Stan and Diane Larimer
Elaine Lawler
Lanelle Lawson
Mike and Val Leedom
David and Barb Litterer
Ida Ludvik
Keith Huber and Nancy Luebbers
Brian and Ashley Mader, Margaret, Alice, Elizabeth, Rebecca, and Susan
Nancy and Greg Maifield
Steve and Roberta Maley
The Marks Family
Laurie and Mike Masters
Richard and Beth McBurney
Moira McCluney, In memory of Mary Shannon McCluney (Mother)
Virginia McEnany
Glenn and Terryne Meier
Bill and Carol Meyers
Jeff and Julie Meyers
Mindfulness BodyWork, Anne E. Kaspar
Andrew and Stephanie Moeller
Robert and Rhonda Moeller
Lynn and Sandra Montague
MOPS at Trinity
Janet Mormann
Connie and Doug Moss
Kris and Linda Nelson, In memory of Dick Pollitt
Phillip and Jessica Nieman
Ken and Sherry Nuss, In memory of Willibelle Parham
Greg and Sara O'Brien
Beth Olson, In memory of Bob Gremmels
Kathy and Lynn Olson
Marvin and Catherine Orth
Kaylee and Alexander Ott
Julia Palestrina
Bonny Palm
Russel and Darlene Peatrowsky, In honor of Eisenach Book Club
Darold and Arvella Pipho
Rey and Melinda Pitt
Leana Place and Family, In memory of Verla Wright
John and Sarah Quin
Connie Ramker
Carol and Lyle Rasmussen
Kevin and Kodi Rohne
Mitch and Lori Roose
Carl and Linda Roxberg
David and Diane Sage
David J. and Mary Lou Schildroth
Mark and Jean Schloemer
Dean and Donna Schluetter
Ruth and Bob Schluter
Bradley Schmidt
Harold and Kathy Schuhmacher
Steven and Kathy Schwemm
Monica Severson
Kathe Mensing and Michael Sherer
Tom and Terry Singewald
Clark and Kathleen Snelling, In memory of Jean Chapin
Dean and Sandy Soash
Diane Spencer
Susan Spooner
Judy and Kim Sprain
Mike and Beth Stevens, In honor of the children who love library time
Ronald Stevens
David and Judith Stewart
Janet and William Striepe
Stumme, Collins, Gritters, & Epley PLLC
Elmon and Barb Tatroe
Mary Taylor
Jon Tehven, In memory of Gloria Tehven
Stuart and Sally Thorson
Tiedt Nursery
Ross and Missy Timmermans
Travis and Nicki Toliver
United Equipment Accessories
Gerald and Susan Vallem
Mary and Roy Ventullo
Catherine Voigts
Renee and David Voves
John and Stacy Wagner
Mariane Waldstein
Waverly Lions Club
Ralph Wedeking
Mikayla Wendland
Adele Wente
Finnegan Wente
Henry Wente
Paul and Yvonne Wente
Bill and Tammy Werger
Dianne Westendorf
Betty Westmeyer, In memory of Russell Westmeyer
Robert and PJ Wharram
Scott Whitcome and Family
Kim Widdel
The Wiebke Family
Roger and Janis Wilcox, In honor of Adam, Aaron, and Abby Wilcox
Karen Williams, In memory of Katherine Flugum, "for the love of books"
Dave and Cathy Wylam
Kevin and Carol Young, In memory of Irene Worth
Warren and Barbara Zemke
Gary and Jenny Zittergruen